This course ended in FY2022.

Special Lectures in Physiological Science I, II, III



Subject Overview of social brain: functional neuroimaging approach
Professor/Lecturer Norihiro Sadato (Dept. Physiological Sciences)
Date & Time February 5, 2020 15:00〜17:00
Place NIPS (Myodaiji) 1F, Lecture room

Special Lectures in Physiological Sciences in the Department of Physiological sciences.

【Remote lecuture】
NIPS* (Yamate) , building 3 , 9F Seminar room
NIG 2F Library Lecture room
Hayama Library 3F 2ndTV Conference room


In NIPS*, this lecture will be delivered only when there is a resistration in advance. Please apply from the button above.

Note: graduate students enrolled in "Special Lecture in Physiological Sciences" MUST attend at the room where the lecture is given.

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