This course ended in FY2022.

Integrated brain scinece III


Subject Auditory neuroscience in fruit flies
Professor/Lecturer Azusa Kamikouchi (Nagoya University)
Date & Time March 12, 2015 10:30〜12:00
Place NIPS (Myodaiji) 1F, Lecture room
Acoustic signals play important roles in our daily life. For example, we notice approaching dangers by hearing their noises, communicate with each other with language and songs, and feel relaxed by music. How does the brain understand the meaning of acoustic signals? To explore the mechanism of acoustic information process in the brain, we have been using the fruit fly as a model. In this lecture, I will start with an introduction of hot topics in auditory neuroscience and explain our strategy to tackle these topics using fruit flies.
Remote lecuture:
NIG 2F Library Seminar room
Hayama Library 3F 2ndTV Conference room

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